Crop rotation

If we have a garden of a certain size we would be able to establish a crop rotation system that will help to fight the pests and to improve the use of nutrients by different groups of plants.

If we have enough space to organize 5 beds, we will establish a 4 year rotation.
  1. Legumes: They are good nitrogen fixes. They do not like fresh lime
  2. Brassicas: They are heave nitrogen user. They do not like lime
  3. Alliums: They have shallow roots. If they grow in the same area for more than two years the fungi white-rot will appear and ruin the crop
  4. Root/tubers: They are heavy fresh manure users (high potasium and sodium). They have deep roots (potatoes, tomatoes... never plant potatoes and tomatoes together as they will spread a disease from on to the other)
  5. Permanent crops (crops that will not rotate every year) 
  • Artichoke
  • Rhubarb
  • Aspharagus
  • Strawberries
  • Currants
  • Apple... 
 In our rotation plan we have to consider rotating also between the indoor and outdoor crops.

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